‘I learned how to cast spells at Witch School – here’s what terrified me most’

White witch Ginny Metheral runs retreats to help other witches hone their skills and teach novices the magic arts. Writer Mel Fallowfield went along with her pointy hat…

With witchcraft having become increasingly mainstream since Harry Potter gave it a reboot, Instagram is now plastered with people claiming to be witches – the most recent census revealed that there are in fact 70,000 witches living in the UK.
 Fourth generation white witch Ginny Metheral now runs witch retreats to teach spells and the not-so-dark arts and Closer’s Mel Fallowfield grabbed a pointy hat and a broom and went to join in.
Ginny’s a 52-year-old mum of three, happily married and living in a four-bedroom cottage in the Devon countryside and she earns £2,500 a month from teaching witchcraft.  Her clients vary, from lawyers to students of all ages. She even offers retreats where budding witches and wizards can stay with her and learn the basics.

“I can’t remember not knowing I was a witch, my mother was always doing spells and reading palms and I’d sit beside her and take it all in, she learnt from her mother and grandmother,” says Ginny. “The first spell I did was when I was six and there was a girl at school I wanted to be friends with. I found a spell in one of my mother’s books and I made a potion from rose petals that I sprayed near her – it worked. Though I learnt not to tell my classmates that I was a witch, after they teased me. And it took me a few years to admit to my husband that I was a fan of the occult.
“Witchcraft is part of my life, my tools are herbs, crystals, pendants, wands, a crystal ball and a copper bowl that I mix my potions in. And a broomstick, though only to sweep the area of negative energy before I cast my spells. But I’m a white witch and only do spells for good.”
Her house, near Bideford, is in an area steeped in history as it’s where some of the last witches were hanged.
On the first night of the retreat, Ginny explains that the key to being a successful witch is to be open minded. She then destroys any dreams of using a spell to get rich by telling a chilling story of her own horrendous experience.
She explains, “We had a load of unexpected bills to pay. So I cast a spell from one of my books to get money. A week later my mother was diagnosed with secondary cancer and died after six weeks. Six months later my father died from a stroke. I did inherit money which sorted out our debts, but at a terrible price – I’d give it all back to spend an hour with them.”

The following morning lessons begin in her witch room. A bookcase is filled with spell books, the copper pot is on the desk, alongside an animal skull and a crystal ball.
She shows a range of wands and asks students to choose one – it’s all very Harry Potter! Closer’s Mel chose a rowan one – an all-purpose one.
Ginny teaches how to cast a circle, essential for the start of any spells, by pointing the wand towards the ground, while turning in a circle chanting, “I create this circle to create positive energy”.
She then asks me what spell we’d like to learn – obviously money is off the cards! And love potions are off too – as it’s enchanting someone against their wishes. Though you can do a spell to help you meet The One.

Ginny admits, “I believe I met my husband after casting a spell. I was 24 and desperate to find love. So I found a spell which involved planting peas in a pot. Three of them sprouted and a few weeks later I met my husband and we’ve gone on to have three children. They’re all very accepting of me being a witch but it doesn’t look like my children are going to follow in my footsteps at the moment. But sadly some of my friends and family aren’t so accepting and I even get death threats from trolls on social media.”
One of her specialities is fertility spells. She explains, “People come to me desperate for children. First I look into their future, using spirit guides and a crystal ball to see if I can see them with children. I won’t raise their hopes if I can’t. But if I can, then I’ll cast a spell to open them up to having children. Currently one of my clients is pregnant which is lovely.”

In the end, Closer’s Mel decides on a spell to help with health anxiety that’s plagued her since she got breast cancer seven years ago.
Ginny creates most of her spells instinctively with guidance from a pendulum – a large crystal on a silver chain. She asks questions and if it moves horizontally it’s saying no and vertically it’s saying yes. The spell involves Mel cutting off a lock of hair, and mixing it with lavender, parsley and sage and putting it in a copper bowl, which Ginny sets fire to while waving her wand and muttering a spell. Mel, who says she found the whole thing ‘completely fascinating’,  admits she has felt less anxious ever since.
For more information go to www.ginnymetheral.co.uk


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