Prince Harry’s shock secret message for Kate – and how it could heal the royal feud 

After Princess of Wales Kate received a get well wish from Prince Harry, she has her hopes set on a family reconciliation

They were once as close as brother and sister, but Prince Harry’s relationship with the Princess of Wales, Kate began to crumble as the dynamic between Harry and his brother Prince William became distanced and fraught.
But after Harry, 39, sent Kate, 42, a get well message during her recent hospital stint following abdominal surgery, insiders says it’s encouraged Kate to make amends and sort out the family feuding once and for all.
The source explains, “Princess Kate is taking care of business as best as she can from her sickbed whilst recovering from surgery – and priority number one is getting Prince William to accept his brother Harry’s olive branch and finally put the bad blood of the past few years firmly behind them.
They add, “Kate is slowly on the mend, but this experience has put a whole lot of things in perspective, including the ongoing feud with Harry. She was very touched that he reached out to her to send his well-wishes, Kate is more than ready to forgive and move on, and she wants William to do the same for all their sakes. She was already pushing William to make peace before she ended up in hospital, but spending all this time with not much to do but think has made her more determined that they need to find a way to put this behind them.  “Life is too short to hold on to grudges, she’s not expecting them to all become best friends again like they were, but she wants the ugliness to be over.” 
Kate developed a bond with Harry when she began dating William in 2003. During their friendship, Harry jokingly calling Kate ‘Cath’ and described her as the sister he never had. They were often pictured giggling and whispering at a number of events and the two of them and William became a trio and would attend royal events together, competing in races, going on trips abroad and spending time on Kate and Will’s residence out of the public eye. 
When William, 42, and Kate announced their engagement in 2010, Harry publicly shared his excitement. “I am delighted that my brother has popped the question! It means I get a sister, which I have always wanted,” he said.
Even when Prince William and Harry rowed, Kate was known as the ‘peacemaker’ and the ‘mediator’ between them,  notably bringing William and Harry together after Prince Phillip’s funeral in 2021.

However,  following a string of personal attacks unleashed by Harry in his 2022 Netflix documentary Harry & Meghan and 2023 memoir Spare, Harry and Kate’s relationship began to dwindle.
In the documentary, Harry accuse his older brother of breaking an alleged “agreement” to not leak stories about each other to the press, but Harry said his departure from England created a “wedge” between them.
Following the documentary’s release, Kate’s uncle, Gary Goldsmith, claimed Kate and William were “deeply wounded” by Harry and Meghan’s Netflix documentary. “They love Harry, they miss him,” he said. 
“He is family and, despite this attack, I believe they’d still welcome him and Meghan back. There’s nothing Catherine would want more than for the brothers to be reconciled because that’s the real love story here.”

Then, in Harry’s bombshell book the following month, he claimed there were signs of discord between his future wife and sister-in-law when Meghan, 42, was introduced into royal life – explaining how both women were left in tears during a bridesmaid dress fitting. 
Back in 2018, reports emerged that during a discussion about the bridesmaid outfit ahead of Meghan and Harry’s wedding, Meghan had made Kate cry. However, Meghan told US chat show host Oprah Winfrey that it was the ‘reverse’ and it was actually Meghan who ended up in tears. 
In a further blow to Kate’s trust, Harry detailed how Meghan asked to borrow a lip gloss from the Princess ahead of a public appearance.
He writes that Kate was surprised, but rummaged around in her bag and offered it to Meghan. Harry then claimed that Meghan applied a little gloss to her finger, and rubbed it across her lips, before Kate made a ‘disgusted’ face.
Harry also wrote that Kate felt uneasy about Meghan from the start of their relationship. During their first royal event together, Harry wrote that Kate was likely “on edge,” understanding that she was now “going to be compared to, and forced to compete with, Meg.”

Elsewhere, he revealed a number of tense situations involving the two women, including the moment the Princess of Wales dismissed Meghan’s remedies for a common cold at the dinner table.
Despite this, Kate still has a soft spot for her brother-in-law and is encouraging William to reach out to Harry, the insider explains.
“She considers him her little brother, it’s painful to have all this anger for her and even more so for William. She can see this is not healthy for him and she worries about the toll it’s going to eventually take on his health.
“Kate is pushing William to reach out to Harry with a phone call or email to get some dialogue going and if he refuses to do it then she’s saying that she’ll step in and do it herself. She has no problem speaking to Harry but knows it would be better if William makes the call. She’s not expecting William to grovel or make any apologies, she just wants him to hear Harry out and then ideally invite him home for a sit down. 

They add that Kate doesn’t have the same sort of affection for Meghan that she has for Harry. 
“She will always be wary of her, but she’s even ready to bury the hatchet with her, and she wants William to do the same. She doesn’t want Meghan to come, she’s got no interest in hosting her or even seeing her face to face now, or anytime soon. None of them are ready for that, least of all William, there’s just too much mud under the bridge. To avoid any awkwardness the invite will be strictly for a brothers’ meeting, that way it will be clear no wives are involved. Of course, if Harry does agree to come home for a meeting with William there’s no doubt that he will want to see Kate as well, and she will happily make that happen.”
However, William is being ‘stubborn’.
“He is digging in his heels saying he doesn’t trust his brother and will never get over his betrayals but Kate’s not willing to take no for an answer. She’s going to use all her power to pressure him into doing this because she feels strongly it’s needed. The fact that she’s recovering from surgery and William is being so doting will likely work in her favour, he’s softened up right now and wants to do everything to make her happy.
“Obviously, there’s no guarantee that he will agree to this plan, but if anyone can make it happen Kate can. And even if he refuses to speak to Harry, she’s going to get on a call with him and start the process, she’s determined to do this whether William is on board or not.”


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