Since it’s the 31st of October, it’s time to get in the Halloween spirit with some real-life ghost stories — as told by some of your favourite celebrities.
Whether you believe in ghosts or not, you have to admit that it’s pretty chilling that some paranormal encounters have happened when shooting horror films.
The Amityville Horror star Ryan Reynolds revealed to Movie Web that the crew were frequently woken up at 3:15 am — creepily the time Ronald DeFeo Jr. murdered his entire family in the Amityville house.
And this will give you a chill — When Lily Collins was filming biographical crime drama film Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, she believed she was being contacted by the victims of Ted Bundy.
So grab some popcorn (or leftover candy) and keep a light on — here are the stars’ spookiest encounters with the unknown, from moving out of their haunted mansions to ghost hunting.
Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa once chased a ghost for ‘ten minutes solid’
You may not know this about Vanessa Hudgens — she enjoys ghost hunting and claims she has supernatural ‘powers’ which allow her to see spirits.
The 35-year-old told Cosmopolitan of a supernatural experience that happened when she was just five: ”I was walking into the dining room past the dining table before school. I had one of those tin ducks, with a mama duck and all the baby ducklings behind it. I remember walking past it and it just started to, like, move with me. I stopped and I looked at it, and I’m like, that’s weird and makes no sense.”
When she was filming in an abandoned old boys’ reform school for her ghost-hunting documentary, Dead Hot: Season of the Witch, she had an extra chilling experience. ”There was a moment when we were sitting in like a cellar and I’m trying to communicate with this spirit because we had heard multiple people tell us about what spirit resides there,” she told Cosmopolitan. ”I was like, ‘What is your name? Please tell us your name,’ and then you just hear static and ‘the devil.’ At the time, it spooked me.”
In 2011, when the former Disney Channel actress was filming Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, she encountered what she believed was a female spirit. She told People: ”I was chasing around my ghost for, like, ten minutes solid, and then it got too freaky, and I just left.” Her spooky intuition told her: ”I feel like (the ghost) might have lost a husband at war and she’s waiting for her man to come back to her. It was definitely a female spirit. I could tell.”
Lily Collins

She felt ‘supported’ by the victims of Ted Bundy’s killings while filming
Lily Collins thinks she was woken up by Ted Bundy’s victims whilst she was preparing to play the part of his ex-girlfriend, Liz Kloepfer. The character was a complex role as Liz loved Ted and struggled to believe he was capable of commiting all his crimes.
The 35-year-old starred alongside Zac Efron, who played Ted Bundy, in the biographical film Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. Based on Elizabeth’s memoir, the film is told through the perspective of Lily’s character.
Lily told The Guardian how she would consistently wake up at 3:05 am whilst preparing for the role: ”I would go downstairs and have a cup of tea, trying to figure out why I had woken up again”. Then, ”I started being woken up by flashes of images, like the aftermath of a struggle.”
After doing some research Lily discovered that, ”3 am is the time when the veil between the realms is the thinnest and one can be visited”. She believed she was being contacted by the victims of Ted Bundy. ”I didn’t feel scared – I felt supported. I felt like people were saying: ‘We’re here listening. We’re here to support. Thank you for telling the story.’ ”
Kendall Jenner
The KUWTK star used to secretly go to her friend’s house to play with an Ouija board
Model and TV star Kendall Jenner is convinced her mum’s house is haunted and used to play with spirit boards.
She told Vogue in 2018 about the strange happenings she experienced at Kris Jenner’s house: Kylie and I would always hear footsteps on the roof while no one was home,” The 28-year-old even claimed her sister Kylie’s shower “used to turn on all the time’’ leaving her convinced of a ghostly presence. In a Keeping Up With The Kardashians episode, a ghost hunter visited their home, telling them a spirit resided in one of the rooms.
Talking to Vogue, Kendall admitted: “We would ask it little kid questions like, ‘What’s my aunt’s middle name?’ And it would give it. We were really scared.’’
The result? The girls would end up sleeping in the same bed as their mum because they were so spooked out.
Emma Stone

Emma’s late grandfather leaves quarters around the house for her to find
Emma Stone recounted how a deceased relative who she never met in real life is haunting her — but in a nice way.
On the Late Show with David Letterman, the 35-year-old said her late grandfather was leaving quarters around the house for her to find. ”There’s a long family history with quarters. My grandfather leaves quarters. It’s him. It’s absolutely him,” she said.
Defending the lack of any logical reasoning behind this, Emma said it was an inherently ”magical” occurrence.
Courteney Cox

Courteney Cox believed her Los Angeles residency was haunted
Scream actress Courteney Cox was keen to sell her home after a spooky observation from a delivery man chilled her to the bone.
Courteney’s house in Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles had something of a weird history – as she was warned by its previous owner, singer-songwriter Carole King.
During a Jimmy Kimmel Live appearance, the 60-year-old told the TV host: ”So Carole King came over to my house and she said that there had been a divorce that was really ugly and there was a ghost.” Courteney was not convinced, however: ”I was like, ‘Yeah, whatever.”’
Despite the actress not believing in the supernatural claims, Courteney did admit: “But other people who had stayed there with me — friends of mine — said they had an encounter with a woman who was sitting on the edge of the bed.’’
Finally, a chilling encounter with a UPS delivery man changed her from “not being a believer”. “I opened the door and he said, ‘Do you know this house is haunted?’ And I go, ‘Yeah why? And he goes ‘Because there’s someone standing behind you’ And I was like, ‘Let’s sell.’’’
Soon after, the horror film actress listed the house — mainly due to the ghostly allegations — saying, ”I couldn’t sleep there alone ever again.”
Megan Fox

The Transformers star heard a ghost prepare her breakfast
Megan Fox had a ghostly experience with a hotel breakfast in Mexico that will send shivers down your spine.
In an MTV news interview, Megan recalled the memory: “I had pre-ordered breakfast for 7:30 and at 7 a.m. I hear them come in with the table. I hear them pouring the coffee. … 30 minutes later, at 7:30, I went in there: no table, no coffee, no food, no nothing, no one there.”
Shortly after, the 38-year-old heard the doorbell ring — and the real room service appeared. However, it wasn’t just Megan who heard the phantom breakfast delivery. ”Brandy, the nanny, comes out later and says, ‘Why did room service come at 7 when we told them to come at 7:30?’ So you can’t tell me I’m crazy because two people heard it.”
Jennifer Aniston

The ghost supposedly ‘hated’ Jennifer’s roommate
Friend’s star, Jennifer Aniston did make Friends — just about — with a ghost at her first Los Angeles home.
When she arrived in Tinseltown, the young star was given a surprising warning. ”I had just moved from New York City to California, and someone said to me, ‘Oh, you have a spirit in your house. You should have someone (come by) and clear the house,”’ the 55-year-old actress told James Corden during an appearance on The Late Late Show.
Initially thinking this wasn’t true Jenifer said: ”I was like, ‘Oh man. I’ve landed in Los Angeles.’ We’re talking about ghosts, spirits, and a ghost whisperer?”’
However, she noticed weird things starting to happen in the house. ”The dishwasher would start to go, or the coffee maker would start or the stereo would turn on at full volume.”
The actress and her roommate called upon a specialist to clear the house of the spirit. The expert put frankincense into a dish and walked around the room with it. ”When we got to the really thick, thick, thick 1975 ashtray that was sitting on the table and that cracked, she asked me to leave,’’ Jennifer said, adding that the ghost hated her roommate.
Did she ever tell her roommate? ”No, I moved out. I feel terrible, but I couldn’t say, ‘It didn’t like you.” Now whenever Jennifer moves home she takes precautions. ”I have a healer or a medium come through. This makes me sound like an absolute insane human being.”
Ryan Reynolds

The Amityville Horror crew were randomly waking up at 3:15am
Ryan Reynolds was filming a horror film in a location that created a disturbing atmosphere for the cast and crew.
When the 48-year-old was shooting The Amityville Horror there were some weird happenings on set. The film was based on the allegedly real experiences of George and Kathy Lutz who lived in the house where Ronald DeFeo.Jr murdered his family in 1974.
At the start of filming, production was shut down for a few days when a body turned up on the shore of a lake near the set. The cast and crew were shooting the film in Salem, Wisconsin — which is known to have a haunted history of witch trials and ghost sightings.
Another coincidence — or not — the real Kathy Lutz died of emphysema whilst the film was being shot.
Ryan told Movie Web about the strange goings on which they experienced during the project. ”I think a lot of people make that stuff up to sell their movie, but there was some weird stuff that happened,” he said. ”A lot of the crew were waking up at 3:15 in the morning which was when all these atrocities in the house took place each time. I think it was a subconscious thing. You read the script and suddenly pop awake at 3:15 in the morning.”
Even though the original Amityville home is in New York, the 48-year-old said the recreated house they shot at in Wisconsin was deeply unsettling. ”It’s terrifying. There’s something about the colours around it, everything was just a little upsetting.”
Demi Lovato

The star made friends with a young spirit called Emily
Demi Lovato has a fascination with the supernatural realm and grew up in a house where she befriended a ghost.
Talking to Buzzfeed in 2013, the singer said: ”My house in Texas is so ridiculously haunted. Not by a bad spirit, but a little girl. I think her name is Emily. I’ve had a medium come over and ghost hunters, and they both told me the same name, Emily. There were so many times that I saw her when I was growing up. I saw her in my closet one time.”
Demi’s mom witnessed one of her supernatural playdates. ”When I was three years old my mom caught me talking to something by myself. She asked, ‘Who are you talking to?’ and I said, ‘My best friend Emily.’ She’s playful. She’d probably be around 11 or 12 years old, maybe younger.”
The star even had her own ghost-hunting show Unidentified with Demi Lovato. On the programme she appeared to interact with a ghost called Carmen who communicated through a device with a buzzer. When her male colleagues left the room, Demi asked the spirit: ”Did you not want to say anything else because the boys were in here?” The device buzzed and Demi said: ”She has trauma. That’s why she doesn’t like men. I have trauma, too, so I feel you and I get it.”
The 32-year-old singer then sang her song Skyscraper as an offering to the spirit to let her male friends come back in the room. The device made a noise at the end of the song, which Demi took as a compliment to her singing.
Miley Cyrus

Miley rented a haunted flat while she was on tour
Miley Cyrus rented a London flat across the road from Harrods as her base when she was touring Europe. But the singer got more than she bargained for, with her whole family getting spooked out by events in the apartment, which had once been a bakery.
The 31-year-old told Elle UK: ”One night my little sister was standing in the shower and all of a sudden I heard her scream. I ran in there and the water had somehow flipped to hot, like the water had just changed, the knob had turned but she hadn’t turned it and it was burning her. She was really red.”
This wasn’t the first time the star had spotted something unusual in the flat. ”Before I felt this, I thought I had seen a little boy sitting on the sink watching me take a shower. I was sitting there the next night and maybe I’m crazy, but I could have sworn I could see this little boy sitting there on the sink, kicking his feet.”
”My aunt who we hadn’t told about this comes in and she starts freaking out. She’s like, ‘I had no idea what happened but I left the apartment and I came back and all the doors and windows were open. I locked the apartment.’ I’m like, ‘Tell my mom, she doesn’t believe that anything is happening in the apartment.””
Miley soon decided she didn’t want to rent there anymore. ”I’m not making this up. I will never stay there ever again. Liam (Miley’s ex-husband) had an experience, my mom had an experience, we all had these crazy experiences and it was terrifying.”